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  • Who or what is b4?

    b4 is the founder of a network for electronic exchange of business documents. together with customers and partners we realize our goal to reduce paper worldwide. b4 is a service provider around save, fast and cost efficient ways in the field of data and document exchange – for global business corporations as well as SMEs.

  • Where is the difference to other providers?

    b4 developed a technology for document and data exchange ready for immediate use and kept it as simple as possible.

    • without invest in hard- or software
    • no risk
    • with a maximum on data security
    • compliant with all legal standards
  • How much will this service cost me?

    As a recipient you will receive free portal access and may download your documents as a pdf or tiff image. for invoices and credit notes you will also receive a qualified signature and the respective validation protocol. You will receive your documents either via TRAFFIQX® Connector, ftp, s-ftp…. Of course, you may also send documents quickly and inexpensively via b4. Prices for sending electronic invoices or the receipt of an individual data set for direct posting into your system, please refer to the PDF document sent to you.

  • What is a data set and how do I get it?

    Electronic documents mean more than just a pdf file via email. b4 also delivers the information contained in the document as an individual data set which can then be processed in your secondary systems. This may be any EDI or Edifact format, XML, CSV or any other any other data format. We will deliver this to you via every channel possible, from (S)FTP, X.400 to webservice or if you so require, via email. You will profit from significant time savings during verification and data capturing. To receive a data set, please fill out the contact form or send us an email. We will contact you as soon as possible and will walk you through the entire adaptation process.

  • Why do I need a digital signature?

    The digital signature offers a secure process to prove the legally required authenticity and integrity of electronic invoices. It is no longer required by law. However, the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents must be ensured. This may be done through internal controls or with a qualified electronic signature.

  • Why do I need and how do I receive a validation protocol with my signature?

    According to legal requirements the receiver is obligated to verify the electronic invoice upon receipt. As soon as you pick up your invoices via the b4 portal. you will receive a validation protocol for each signature free of charge – without manual effort. We merely require your consent during the registration process.

  • Storage requirements for electronic documents

    An entity shall store a copy of the invoices which they or a third party has issued in their name and for their account. The same applies to all invoices the company has received. The retention obligation is 10 years for documents like invoices and credit notes.

  • Archiving of electronic documents

    Other than paper documents electronically sent and received documents are to be archived electronically. A filed paper printout is not permitted as it is not the original but a duplicate. The integrity and authenticity of an electronic document has to be assured via either internal controlling processes or via qualified electronic signature. Electronic documents processed via b4, may automatically be signed. Unless you operate your own archiving system, b4 offers this service or will transfer it to DATEV Unternehmen online.

  • Can I send documents with b4?

    Yes, aside from receiving invoices you may certainly also send invoices via b4 and invite other business partner to the electronic document and data exchange. You may use this technology in various ways to efficiently save costs. For further information, please send us an e-mail. We will answer you promptly and offer comprehensive advice.

  • What are my obligations?

    You have no obligations. You may cancel this service at any time without giving a reason. An email is sufficient.

  • I cannot login!

    Navigate to Use the e-mail address that received your login data. If you forgot your password, you may click on “forgot password?” to receive a new one-time password.
    Passwort vergessen

  • I cannot see documents!

    Click on “Inbox” in the upper left hand corner. If you still do not see any documents, click on “Search”, empty all fields (see image), and click on “search messages”.

  • Where do I turn for further questions?

    Our support will be happy to assist you. You will find us in “Contacts”.

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